Dear Parents and Guardians:
As we welcome the month of November it is important that we continue to remember to give “thanks” for all the great things that are given to us each day. We truly are blessed to have so many great people and experiences in our lives.
Long Range Planning: The committee for Long Range Planning met and created a survey. We are asking for your participation in this to gain feedback on what aspects we could be moving forward with regarding the future of St. Victor School. After completing the survey, please reach out if you have any more questions. The link to the survey will be coming in a separate email, please be on the lookout for this.
Water Bottles and Masks: Please make sure you are having your child bring with them their water bottle and a mask or two to make it through the day. Thanks for helping us out.
Winter Weather: As it starts to get colder, please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. I would encourage you to make sure you have labeled all of your child’s clothing.
Picture Retake: Will be next Tuesday, Nov. 9, if you are getting a retake, please return your picture packet back to the office.
Evening Lights with Santa: You should be receiving an email from Mrs. Coplien with the link to sign up for volunteering for Evening Lights with Santa. This event is an important community event as well as a fundraiser for our school. Please be generous with your time! If you have questions please feel free to reach out to school and we can pass your question off to the committee.
PEP Donations: Again we are participating in donations for the Personal Essentials Pantry. We will be collecting new disposable razors for the month. If you are able to make a donation, we would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for your generous donations of toothbrushes this past month.
Thank you so much for your continued support of our school. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at school (608)325-3395, or email me at
God Bless,
Joe Peters