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  • Writer's pictureMr. Joseph Peters, Principal

November 10, 2021

Dear Parents and Guardians:

Student COVID Vaccination: The Green County Public Health Department will be sponsoring a COVID vaccination clinic for students ages 5-10. This will take place on Friday, Nov. 19 from 1:30-3:30 at Northside School. In today’s family envelope is detailed information about the time and location of the clinic, a vaccine information packet, as well as the form you sign and return to school by Thursday, Nov. 18. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact me at school. A reminder that vaccination is a choice for all families, and is not mandated by St. Victor School. If you have any questions about this vaccination clinic or the COVID vaccine I would encourage you to reach out to your family doctor. As always vaccination status remains confidential for all people.

Long Range Planning Survey: Thanks to those families who have taken the time to complete the survey that was sent last week. I am including the link again in the hopes that we could get some more input from our school families. I would ask that all surveys be completed by this Friday, November 12. We will be reviewing the results at the Long Range Planning Committee meeting on Monday, November 15. Here is the link to the survey for those who have not taken it:

Giving Tuesday: We will again be participating in a Giving Tuesday fundraiser beginning Monday, November 29. This is a great opportunity for families members from near or far who are not able to attend either Lights with Santa or Mardi Gras to participate in fundraising for our school! More information will be coming! Thanks in advance for your support of this event.

Thanksgiving Break: A reminder there is no school on Wednesday, November 24, please enjoy the time off as we prepare for the Thanksgiving holiday.

Evening Lights with Santa: Thank you so much for your donations toward the silent auction and goodie bags. We are still in need of several items on the list located in today’s hard copy family envelope, if you are able to help us out with those donations it would be appreciated. Also please make sure you visit the sign up website( ) to fulfill your family’s obligation to help. (Remember many of you signed up to work “the day of” the event on your tuition contract, please make sure you follow through with this commitment). Continue to sell those raffle tickets (we have plenty more at the office if you are in need of some more). Thanks again for your help in making sure this event is another huge success!

SCRIP: We will be having a SCRIP contest again this year for the holiday season. Please consider buying SCRIP gift cards for holiday shopping and for gift giving this holiday season. You will find information in today's Wednesday folder for ideas for stocking stuffers, SCRIP contest and a full SCRIP retail list. Thank you for helping our school by using SCRIP.

Thank you so much for your continued support of St. Victor School. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at school, (608)325-3395 or email (

God Bless,

Joe Peters


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