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  • Writer's pictureMr. Joseph Peters, Principal

September 22, 2021

Dear Parents and Guardians:

We welcome the first full day of Fall. It is never too early to remind you to make sure you have proper clothing for your child as it begins to get colder.

September 24: There is NO SCHOOL for St. Victor School only on Friday, September 24. Please enjoy your long weekend.

Drop Off in the Morning: As we continue to work through the routines of a school day, I would strongly encourage all students in K-5th grade to get dropped off in the car line. This allows for a smooth transition into the school building (as well as builds confidence in students to be independent).

Bishop Hying Visit: We look forward to Bishop Hying joining us for mass on Monday, Sept. 27 at 8:30 am, please feel free to join us for this wonderful opportunity. It would be great for the students to be in their blue polos and mass clothes for this special liturgy.

Home and School General Meeting: Our Home and School will be sponsoring a general meeting on Tuesday, October 5 at 6:30 pm in the school gym. This is a parent only meeting. We will review goals and events for the year, as well as talk about future possibilities. Attached to this week’s email is the agenda and the minutes from the Spring 2021 meeting.

PT Conferences Sign Up: We will be using Sign Up Genius this fall to sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences. These will be held on Monday, October 11 and Thursday, October 14. There will be a separate email sent with the links for your family to sign up. K-5th grade conferences will be 10 minutes each and 4K will be 15 minutes. This email link will arrive to you by the end of this week. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school office. All conferences will be held in person (unless you communicate with the teacher otherwise).

Lunch/Snack Flexibility: We would ask for your patience and flexibility as we are having some “ordering and supply issues” with our food providers. We create lunch and snack menus assuming that we will be able to get all the food necessary but we are discovering that is not the case right now. Thanks for your understanding.

Grandparents Day Block Party: We will be doing Grandparents Day on Friday, Oct. 8 we will begin at 9:00 am. This event will take place outdoors and will include a prayer service, time for grandparents and grandchildren to visit, refreshments and a short program(singing). The event will be done in about one hour. More details will be coming regarding parking and procedures. We look forward to a great day!

Thank you for your continued support of our school. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out via email: or call the school office, (608)325-3395.

God Bless,

Joe Peters


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