Dear Parents and Guardians:
What a great turnout for our Kick Off Picnic last Friday. Thank you so much to our Home and School for sponsoring this event. It was fun to spend time visiting and seeing the students playing together around Twining Park! Special thanks to Sabrina White, Samantha Stewart, Heather Watson, and Marci Boss!
Tuesday, September 26: This is our Fall General Home and School Meeting. This parent only meeting is a great time to come and learn what is happening in our school. Information about our fundraising efforts, events planned for your family, information about what you can do to support your school, and many other items will be discussed. There will be light refreshments, a contest for parents, as well as the class with the largest percentage of families attending will win an ice cream party! Arrive at 5:45 if you would like for a short social time with refreshments and a chance to visit. So please spare 90 minutes to be here and help make the start of this school year great for us all!
Friday, September 29: There is NO SCHOOL for St. Victor School only. Please enjoy your long weekend.
Friday, October 6: There IS SCHOOL for St. Victor that day. The rest of the School District of Monroe is off. A reminder there will be NO BUS SERVICE that day. You need to find an alternate way for your children to get to/from school that day.
Grandparents’ Day: Will take place on Thursday, October. 12. This is such a wonderful and fun day for our school community. The day will begin with mass at 8:15, your children will meet their Grandparents over at church in the Gathering Space. The children will sit with their Grandparents/Special Friends. After mass they will come over to school for an Open House. There will be refreshments in the gym. Followed by a short concert. The whole morning should be completed around 10:00 am. Please plan on joining us for this special day.
Sunday, October 15: The students of St. Victor School will be doing the liturgical roles at the 10:00 am liturgy that morning. This includes reading, singing, and bringing up the gifts. This is a wonderful way to show our community the amazing things our students can do. Please have your family plan on joining us for this. After the 10:00 am mass is the St. Clare of Assisi Parish Dinner. This is another wonderful way to support the community that gives so much to our school. (Don’t forget to turn in your raffle tickets as well).
Flu Shots: There will be a flu shot clinic for all students on Wednesday, Oct. 11. This service is provided free of charge from the Green County Health Department. This is each individual family’s choice, so if you would like to participate please return your form to the school office.
Thank you so much for all you do for St. Victor School! I am so proud of the great start to the school year! If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at school (608)325-3395 or email (
God Bless,
Joe Peters