Dear Parents and Guardians:
We hope that your family can join us for the picnic this Friday, Sept 15 at Twining Park from 5:00-7:00 pm. A reminder this is a potluck so families are expected to bring a dish to pass. If you family last name is:
A-H please bring a fruit and veggie( a serving size for a group of people 10-12 to eat)
I-R please bring a side dish to share (a serving for a group of people 10-12 to eat)
S-W please bring a dessert to share ( a serving for a group of people 10-12 to eat)
Also bring your own table service, which will include plates, napkins and silverware. We will be providing hot dogs and buns, along with lemonade. If you would like something else to drink you can bring that as well.
Drop Off in the AM: I would strongly encourage you to use the main school parking lot to drop off students in the morning. 20th Avenue is one of the most traveled roads in Monroe. So I would prefer to keep students off of this road (even with Mr. Riddle there as our crossing guard). Also please be aware that supervision (crossing guard included) are not going to come outside until 7:45 am.
End of the Day: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if your child is doing something differently at the end of the day for pick up(not riding the bus, being picked up by grandparents, or walking home from school) let the office and your child’s teacher know. We love your children, we want to keep them safe, but we won’t do anything different unless we hear from you.
VOLUNTEERING: If you plan on being a volunteer at St. Victor School, you need to sign up for the Diocese of Madison Virtus program. The directions to complete this training is located in this handout. Please make sure you take the time to complete this, so you are able to help at St. Victor School. If you have any questions, please reach out to me at school.
Menu Change: September 21 will now be chicken ranch wrap and September 22 will now be Baked Mozzarella cheese sticks with pizza dipping sauce.
Home and School General Meeting Sept. 26: I would like to invite you to our parent only Home and School General Meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 26. We do two of these meetings a year (fall and spring). These meetings last about an hour but are very important to our school and its mission. The Home and School manages a budget of about $75,000 that has been used to do important updates for our school (both physical and curriculum). We need your input as stakeholders in the school. We are hoping you can spare an hour of your time to spend with us on Tuesday, September 26 at 6:00 pm in the gym. There will be a raffle for a gift card, and the grade with the highest percentage of families represented that night will earn an ice cream prize!
Attached are the following documents:
Invite to the Meeting:
Minutes from the Spring Meeting:
Agenda for the Sept 26 Meeting:
Home and School Budget:
Thank you so much for all you do for St. Victor School! We are off to such a great start to the school year! If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at school (608)325-3395 or email (
God Bless,
Joe Peters