Dear Parents and Guardians:
It is going to be a very busy month of October. Thank you so much for your quick response in signing up for parent teacher conferences. For many teachers the nights are quite booked, so please make sure you arrive a little bit before your scheduled time. Thank you.
We are looking forward to a great Grandparents Day on Friday. If for some reason it is raining, we will move to the gym, where we will ask grandparents and visitors to be masked (and distanced as much as possible). We hope the weather won’t impact our planned Grandparent Block Party and we will be able to do this outside. PLEASE remember to pass on the parking plan to our grandparents and visitors (our current number is about 110 visitors).
Trunk/Table or Treat: On Thursday, Oct. 28 we will be celebrating Halloween with an outside table(trunk) or treat. We are asking parents to set up tables (which we will provide) or use their trunks to decorate and hand out treats(about 120 treats) to our students as they walk around our parking lot. This event will begin around 2:15 that afternoon. We ask that if you are participating that you arrive early and are set up to go by 2:15 pm. If you have any questions please contact the school. If you would like to do a Trunk/Table or Treat could you please let us know. If you are unable to and would like to donate candy for this event please feel free to do so.
Flu Shot Clinic/Eye Exams for Students: Information went home on Monday for students to receive a flu shot through Green County Public Health. If you are interested, please return the form back to the office by Friday, Oct. 8. These shots are free to all students. On Tuesday, Oct. 19 the Lions’ Club will be here to do eye exams. We appreciate this free opportunity to screen students for vision issues. If after the screening there are concerns, the Lions’ Club will send a note home encouraging you to see your eye doctor.
Brunch with Santa Updates: Thank you for the feedback on your survey. The decision was made to do another Evening Lights with Santa event at the Green County Fairgrounds on both Friday, Dec. 10 and Saturday, Dec. 11. This event will need decorating help and support from our entire St. Victor School community. More information will be coming, but please make sure you block those nights off to help make this event such a success.
Mardi Gras Committee: The planning will soon start for Mardi Gras 2022. The Mardi Gras event will take place on Feb. 26. We are looking for members who would like to join the planning committee for this event. Along with Brunch with Santa this is a huge fundraiser for our school! If you would like to help out our first meeting will take place Monday, Oct. 11 at 5:00 pm over at church. If you would like more details, please reach out.
Parish Dinner/Raffle Tickets: This weekend is our Fall Parish Dinner and Raffle. This will take place on Sunday, Oct. 10 from 10:30-1:00 pm. If you have not turned in your family’s raffle tickets I encourage you to do so. Thanks for supporting our parish, which supports our school in so many ways!
Long Range Planning Committee: At last night’s Home and School General Meeting there was a discussion regarding three things that the school is looking at doing for long range planning. These three items:
After Care for School Aged Children(3:10-6:00 pm?)
Summer Camp for School Aged Children
(June/July/August in conjunction with Monroe Summer School)
Expansion of School to include 6th-7th-8th Grade
What we are looking for now is people who would be interested in participating in a committee to help see the feasibility of these happening at St. Victor School. Each item is individual in nature, so if you feel like you are an expert or have experience with any of the three we would ask for your help and input. Our goal would be to have a survey out and gain feedback from all of you soon. If you are interested in serving on this committee please feel free to email me ( Please realize this is the beginning of this process, and are looking forward to gaining valuable insights from our school community.
I know that these emails from me can get quite lengthy, I apologize as there are always so many great things going on at our school that I want you to be aware of. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at school.
God Bless,
Joe Peters