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  • Writer's pictureMr. Joseph Peters, Principal

October 5, 2022

Dear Parents and Guardians:

If you have not signed up for Parent Teacher Conferences, please do so. A reminder to please be a few minutes early for your conferences, as many teachers have tight schedules. As always we appreciate your patience during this time.

Thank you to Mike Burke for the wonderful donation opportunity for Charlotte and her family. The pork was wonderful as well! It makes me proud to be a member of this amazing community!

STAR Scores: Your child’s fall STAR scores are located in today’s family envelope. If you have any specific questions, please feel free to contact your child’s teacher.

Grandparents/Special Friends Day, Thursday October 6: On Thursday, October 6 we will celebrate Grandparents’ Day at St. Victor School. The day will begin with GRANDPARENTS MEETING THEIR GRANDCHILDREN OVER AT CHURCH (in the new GATHERING SPACE). MASS WILL BEGIN AT 8:15 AM. The students will sit with their Grandparents during mass. After mass there will be an OPEN HOUSE/REFRESHMENTS at school. This will be about 9:15 or so (in case your family is unable to attend mass). Following the open house there will be a SHORT PROGRAM/CONCERT in the GYM. The whole event should be done by 10:00 am at the latest. I encourage you to pass all of this information on to those Grandparents/Special Friends who will be joining us.

Helping Hand and Hearts: Located in the hallway outside of the 4K classroom are some hands and hearts that our teachers have filled out with some items that they could use to help make their teaching and classroom better. If grandparents (or parents) are interested in helping out, grab one off the bulletin board and stop and see Jenni in the office. As always, thanks for your generosity towards our teachers and school!

Friday October 7: A reminder that St. Victor School HAS SCHOOL on this Friday, Oct. 7. There is no school for the School District of Monroe, and there is NO BUS SERVICE that day. Hot lunch will be provided on that day. As always, thank you for your flexibility as we work through our calendar.

Breakfast Change: We are making changes to our breakfast program in the morning. Please consult the handout located in this family envelope to review the changes and how it impacts your family. Thank you.

FORMED SIGN UP: You can sign up for a free faith online platform of video and audio resources at FORMED has something for everyone in your family, and it is all reliable content that is well put-together. Use the card in your family envelope to sign up and start watching.

Parish Dinner, Sunday, Oct. 9: Please join us this Sunday, Oct. 9 for our Fall Pork Chop Dinner. The dinner will take place in the school gym (or carry outs are available). If you have not returned your raffle tickets please do so, this event helps our entire parish community. The dinner cost is $12.00 which includes pork chop, twice baked, green beans, applesauce, roll, and homemade dessert.

Sunday, Oct. 16: This is our first Children’s Choir and Mass Ministry Sunday. This is a time our students will be leaders for our parish community! This is such a HUGE responsibility as well as a great way to support our parish (and market our school) to our larger community. COME one COME all to sing in the choir and be part of our Sunday Mass. After mass, there will be donuts, drinks and bingo downstairs in the new space!

Deanery Mass: All students K-6th grade will be attending a special mass with Bishop Hying on Tuesday, October 25. There is a field trip form with details about the mass in today’s envelope. Students should be wearing St. Victor polo, lunch will be provided that day.

Thank you so much for choosing St. Victor School for your child. We are blessed to be part of this amazing community. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at school (608)325-3395 or email(

God Bless,

Joe Peters


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