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  • Writer's pictureMr. Joseph Peters, Principal

October 27, 2021

Dear Parents and Guardians:

As we come to the end of another month of school, I would like to thank you for your continued support of our school, faculty and parish. As the weather continues to change on us, a reminder students should come to school dressed appropriately. It won’t be too long and students will need to have boots, snow pants, hats and gloves (it is never too early to get going on making sure they have the appropriate dress).

Student Absence: Please make sure when your child is absent from school that you call or email the school office to let us know they are not attending. Thank you.

Brunch with Santa (Evening Lights with Santa); There is information regarding this wonderful community event and fundraiser for our school in today’s envelope. Thank you to Tasha Meier, Andrea Speer, Jill Swenson, Val Coplien, Tia Long and Michelle Steinmann for their work on the committee this year. A reminder that for families in Kindergarten through Fifth grade expectations are for you to sell the raffle tickets sent home with you(if not more). This event is moving from one night, to two in the hopes of capitalizing on the beautiful decorations as well as split the traffic flow from one day to two. The dates of the event are Friday, Dec. 10 and Saturday, Dec. 11 from 5:00-9:00. I look forward to all of us working together to make this event a huge success.

Giving Tuesday 2021: We will again be participating in Giving Tuesday, which is an online fundraising event to help raise money for the needs of our school (scholarships, technology, curriculum, etc.). We are in need of someone to help with the social media posts, if you are able to help us out with this short time commitment (week after Thanksgiving) please reach out to Marci Boss ( ). Thanks for considering.

Picture Retake Day: Your school pictures are in today’s family envelope. Our retake day has been rescheduled to Tuesday, Nov. 9. If you would like a retake you need to send the packet back to school.

Halloween 2021: We will be celebrating Halloween for our students on Thursday, Oct. 28. Students(K-5th) will need to BRING THEIR COSTUMES to school, 4K students can wear their costumes to school. Please no weapons or ultra-violent or scary costumes. Each class will have a party during the day, and we will then have our Trunk/Table or Treat in the parking lot at 2:15ish.

Trunk/Table or Treat: On Thursday, Oct. 28 we will be celebrating Halloween with an outside table(trunk) or treat. We are asking parents to set up tables (which we will provide) or use their trunks to decorate and hand out treats(about 120 treats) to our students as they walk around our parking lot. This event will begin around 2:15 that afternoon. We ask that if you are participating that you arrive early and are set up to go by 2:15 pm. If it is raining, we will move the trunk or treat indoors and do a table or treat.

All Saint’s Day: We will be celebrating All Saint’s Day on Monday, Nov. 1 with liturgy at 8:30 am followed by the 4th grade Saints’ Fair projects in the gathering space at church. Please wear your blue polo on Monday.

Have a wonderful rest of the week (and long weekend-No School on this Friday). If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call school or email.

God Bless,

Joe Peters


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