Dear Parents and Guardians:
What a great celebration we had for Grandparents’ Day! We had a total of 160 grandparents and special friends that day. Thanks to our Parish Staff, School Staff and parent volunteers for their help with the refreshments.
Thank you also for your support of the St. Clare of Assisi Fall Dinner and raffle. We sold nearly 400 meals! Thanks to those school families who also helped volunteer that day. It was a great event!
PEP(Personal Essential Pantry) Donations: The St. Vincent DePaul Society, St. Clare of Assisi Parish, and St. Victor School is teaming up to create a Personal Essential Pantry made up of items such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, toilet paper, shampoo, laundry detergent etc. to be given to those in need around our community. Each month there will be a designated item they are asking for people to donate. For the month of October they are asking for donations of individual new/unopened toothbrushes. If your family would like to donate, please send those items to school. We will pass them onto the St. Vincent DePaul Society. Thank you in advance for helping to support his new service project in our parish and school community.
Halloween 2021: We will be celebrating Halloween for our students on Thursday, Oct. 28. Students(K-5th) will need to BRING THEIR COSTUMES to school, 4K students can wear their costumes to school. Please no weapons or ultra-violent or scary costumes. Each class will have a party during the day, and we will then have our Trunk/Table or Treat in the parking lot at 2:15ish.
Trunk/Table or Treat: On Thursday, Oct. 28 we will be celebrating Halloween with an outside table(trunk) or treat. We are asking parents to set up tables (which we will provide) or use their trunks to decorate and hand out treats(about 120 treats) to our students as they walk around our parking lot. This event will begin around 2:15 that afternoon. We ask that if you are participating that you arrive early and are set up to go by 2:15 pm. If you have any questions please contact the school. If you would like to do a Trunk/Table or Treat could you please let us know(currently we have just two tables). If you are unable to and would like to donate candy for this event please feel free to do so.
Long Range Planning Committee: Thank you to the volunteers who have come forward to help begin the planning for our long-range feasibility study. The topics we will be discussing and asking input from you will be the following:
Is there an interest from our school families for after care for School Aged Children(3:10-6:00 pm?)
Is there interest for a Summer Camp/Care option for School Aged Children?
(June/July/August in conjunction with Monroe Summer School)
Is there an interest in an expansion of St. Victor School to include 6th-7th-8th Grade?
Our goal would be to have a survey out and gain feedback from all of you soon. If you have any questions or would possibly be interested in being part of this process, please feel free to email me ( Please realize this is the beginning of this process, and are looking forward to gaining valuable insights from our school community.
Alumni Committee: We are seeking volunteers for our newest committee--the St. Victor School Alumni Committee! We'll be gathering names from each class into a database, then finding out their current contact information. There are so many things we can do with/for our alumni, including learning about their achievements/what they're doing now, inviting them to our school's events and fundraisers, having an alumni Mass, having reunions, etc. If you have a knack for searching out people online or using social media, you can help us! If you'd like to be part of this committee, please email Tara Stietz at Bonus points if you're an alum yourself!
Thank you so much for your support of St. Victor School! There are exciting times ahead for our school and community. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at school (608)325-3395, or email (
God Bless,
Joe Peters