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  • Writer's pictureMr. Joseph Peters, Principal

October 12, 2022

October 12, 2022

Dear Parents and Guardians:

Thank you all so much for a wonderful Grandparents Day this year! What a blessing it was to have our church and school filled with so many guests! Thank you to our teachers for all the great work in preparing for the day, as well as our parent volunteers and all who helped in making cookies for the day.

I will be on vacation starting today and returning back on Tuesday, October 25. If you have any questions or concerns I would always encourage you to go directly to your child’s teacher or you can call Jenni at the office and she will relay your concerns.

Sunday, Oct. 16: This Sunday is our first Children’s Choir and Mass Ministry Sunday! This is a time our students will be leaders for our parish community! This is such a HUGE responsibility as well as a great way to support our parish (and market our school) to our larger community. COME one COME all to sing in the choir and be part of our Sunday Mass. After mass, there will be donuts, drinks and bingo downstairs in the new space!

Breakfast/Nutrition Break: We will be shifting from offering breakfast in the morning to a nutrition break during the school day. The cost remains the same ($1.50) and that will include a grain, milk, and a fruit option. Your child can continue to bring their own snack from home (along with their water bottle, which they should be bringing every day). If you have questions about the transition from breakfast to nutrition break, please call the office, (608)325-3395. DROP OFF SWITCHES BACK TO 7:45 in the morning starting Monday, Oct. 17, please do not have your child exit the car before that time. Thank you in advance for your support.

MAC Performance for 3-4-5-6 Graders: St. Victor School students in grades 3-4-5-6 will be singing at the Monroe Arts Center at 7:30 p.m. Friday, October 21 as the opening act for the Notre Dame Glee Club. If your child is singing we ask them to be at the MAC by 7:00 pm. We are VERY excited for this extraordinary opportunity and need as many singers as possible to please attend. Students are able to attend the full concert for free after their performance. Students who do not wish to stay for the entire concert will be escorted by school staff outside MAC for pick-up.

Parents may purchase tickets by calling 608.325.5700 or online at

Halloween 2022: We again will celebrate Halloween on Monday, Oct. 31. If parents would like to join us for the Table and Treat (info is in this week’s envelope). We will begin with a short Halloween parade at 2:15 in the gym, followed by the Table and Treat. If students would like to wear their costumes all day, please make sure they are able to independently manage the bathroom, if not please bring their costumes for them to change into. Whatever is most convenient for your family. Please make sure the costumes fit our dress code.

A reminder no violent or overly scary costumes, overly tight (modesty please) and no weapons.

Request: If you or a family member owns a Monroe Cheesemaker Letterman’s jacket from the 50’s or 60’s we have someone who would be interested in purchasing that. Please contact the office. Thank you.

Helping Hand and Hearts: Located in the hallway outside of the 4K classroom are some hands and hearts that our teachers have filled out with some items that they could use to help make their teaching and classroom better. If parents, grandparents or special friends are interested in helping out, grab one off the bulletin board and stop and see Jenni in the office. As always, thanks for your generosity towards our teachers and school!

Thank you so much for choosing St. Victor School for your child’s education. If you have any questions or concerts, please feel free to contact me at school (608)325-3395 or email,

God Bless,

Joe Peters


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