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  • Writer's pictureMr. Joseph Peters, Principal

October 11, 2023

Dear Parents and Guardians:

As the weather begins to change and we welcome fall, please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for this.

STAR Results: The results from the student’s STAR test are in today’s family envelope. We use STAR to monitor progress as well as identify areas of strength and improvement. If you have any questions about the results please feel free to contact your child’s teachers.

Sunday, October 15: This Sunday is our annual St. Clare of Assisi Fall Dinner. We look forward to seeing you all there. The students in K-6th grades have been asked to sing at the 10:00 am mass. Please plan on joining us for this mass. When we are asked to sing at mass it showcases our wonderful students to the parish that contributes so much to their education. So please plan to join us. If you were able to sell your raffle tickets, please turn them into the office or bring them to the dinner that day.

Grandparents/Special Friends Day: We will celebrate Grandparents/Special Friends Day tomorrow, Thursday, Oct. 12. We would ask that all Grandparents/Family Members meet us over in the Gathering Space at church. This is where you will connect with your grandchildren and sit with them for mass. After mass, everyone will head over to school for a short open house. Following the open house there will be refreshments and a short program in the gym. The whole event should be completed around 10:00 am. We look forward to all of you joining us.

Picture Retake Day is on Tuesday, October 17. If you would like to have your child’s picture retaken you need to send the original packet back.

Next week begins Parent Teacher Conferences. Please make sure to arrive on time (or even early) some of the larger classes (4K and K) have really tight schedules. If you have not signed up for a time yet, please do so soon!

Table and Treat: Again Home and School is sponsoring a Table or Treat (this is where parents will set up and decorate a table in the gym -tables provided) and students will work their way around the gym stopping at all tables and trick or treating. This event starts at 2:00 pm in our school gym. Please let Jenni know if you have any questions or want to sign up.

Thank you so much for all you do to support St. Victor School. We hope to see many of you this weekend at our parish dinner. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at school (608)325-3395 or via email

God Bless,

Joe Peters


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