November 24, 2020
Dear Parents and Guardians:
On behalf of the entire faculty and staff of St. Victor School we wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving! Again, these days ahead may be different from past holidays, I hope and pray that you will continue to see all the great things that God has given to each one of us. We have many things to be thankful for. Please continue to pray for all those who are sick, and those who are working tirelessly to take care of the sick.
A reminder as testing numbers continue to grow, if anyone in your family has symptoms or are awaiting test results, students should not be coming to school. This allows us to protect those students who are attending school. A reminder that studies prove that people are symptomatic up to two days prior to being diagnosed as positive. Again, if you are waiting for test results, please keep your children home, if the results of your tests are positive then you will be asked to quarantine and your child will stay home as well. You can reach out to your child’s teacher to get the necessary information to move your child to virtual learning.
Schedule: We will continue in face to face instruction with our students as long as we are able to. Please realize that this can change quickly and I would encourage you to have a plan for your child in case we have to go virtual. Please realize that the Monroe Public Schools will be in all virtual learning until Monday, December 7, but we will continue face to face. Due to this there is no noon time bus route for our 4K students. If you have any questions about the schedule please feel free to contact me at school, 325-3395, or email:
Winter Weather: A reminder that your child should have the following items: snow boots, snow pants, winter coat, hats, gloves. It might be good to send an extra pair of socks with them in case their feet get wet. Our goal will continue to have the students outside as much as possible. If the actual temperature or windchill is zero degrees or lower students will not be outside. Due to the fact that we are not outside beginning the day I would encourage students to have only their coats and boots on as they walk from the parking lot to the school. They do not need to be all bundled up. It may also be a good idea to look for a large durable bag to carry all of the snow gear in.
Some people have asked me about our “snow day” policy. If the School District of Monroe has any of their students "in person" instruction, even if it is only half of the population, and they deem it necessary to call school off due to poor road conditions, we will follow their lead with that. Our goal continues to be the safety of students and staff. You should receive information from the School District of Monroe regarding this. If the School District of Monroe is on all virtual, the call for a snow day will come from St. Victor School only. This communication will come through both email and flocknote text messaging. This is new for our school, so that I would ask for your patience during this decision making process. Again, the safety of all students and staff are priority number one.
Giving Tuesday: One of the most popular ways to support non-profit organizations is through Giving Tuesday. It is a designated day following Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday. Due to the fact that our two large fundraisers (Brunch with Santa and Mardi Gras) are in person events that we will not be able to host in the “traditional” way this year, we have made the decision to try a Giving Tuesday Fundraiser which will begin on Tuesday, Dec. 1. I am including a letter that I would encourage you to pass along to family members to help our school be successful. If you (or your family members) currently do not follow us on Facebook, I would encourage you to do so. Whenever you see a #GivingTuesday post over this upcoming weekend, please share a few of them on your feed so that we can spread the word that we are running this event and reach out to our friends and families for donations this giving season. The fact is, we need fundraisers to ensure our school is able to have the necessary things for our students to be successful. Again, this is something new we are trying and hope to get some support from a variety of people. Thanks in advance for your support of this fundraiser.
Evening Lights with Santa: Thanks for continuing to sell those raffle tickets! We have more in the office if you are in need of them. Also, a reminder if on your tuition contract you have signed up to work “day of Brunch” we are expecting (and needing you ) to help the night of Evening Lights(December 12). This is a new undertaking for us all, I am wanting it to be a successful event. PLEASE work with us to help make this event a success.
Christmas Liturgy at St. Clare of Assisi: Due to COVID restrictions the space for Christmas masses are limited to 150 people per mass. The parish is going to a reservation system through Sign-Up Genius. This will open to the public on Thursday, Dec. 3 at 10:00 am. You will need to go to the parish website: to sign up. Mass times for Christmas will be 4:00, 6:00, and 8:30 pm on December 24 and 9:00 am on December 25.
Thank you so much for the support that you continue to give to our school, staff and mission. It is a blessing to be part of this amazing community. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or email.
God Bless,
Mr. Joe Peters