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  • Writer's pictureMr. Joseph Peters, Principal

November 16, 2022

Dear Parents and Guardians:

Winter has arrived! Please make sure your child has the following: winter coat, hats, gloves (or mitten), snow pants and boots. They will need to bring these items so they can enjoy outdoor recess.

For those who will be attending the Cheesemaker Football Game on Friday, please inform the school that your children will not be attending school. A reminder to wear your red and white on Friday! The football team will be visiting school on Thursday afternoon for a walk through so we can cheer them on.

Tomorrow, Nov. 17 we will be celebrating the Sacrament of Baptism for the following children: Lincoln Bailey, Jaxon and Adalynn Obert, Kitra, Gemma and Kieran Hays. This is a great celebration for our entire community!

Congratulations to the following students who will be representing St. Victor School at the District Spelling Bee in January:

5th Grade: Sam Wilson-1st Place 6th Grade: Elena Boss-1st Place

Madelyn Stietz-2nd Place Ella Mortimer-2nd Place

Logan Derendinger-3rd Place Elizabeth Veeder-3rd Place

Madelyn Moede-4th Place Hazel Ermey-4th Place

Libby Swenson-Alternate Violet McKibben-Alternate

Congratulations to the following students on their Second Place finish in the Cheesemaker Open Chess Tournament: Advit Pal, Noah Kruse, Clara Veeder, and Elizabeth Veeder!

Monday, November 28: There is NO SCHOOL for 4K ONLY on this day. The School District of Monroe is also not in school that day, but there WILL BE SCHOOL for St. Victor School(students Kindergarten through Sixth Grade). NO busing but hot lunch will be provided that day.

Brunch with Santa: A reminder that per your tuition contract many of you are scheduled to work the DAY OF Brunch with Santa but we also need help leading up to the event as well. The link to sign up to volunteer is here:

Please make sure you follow through with your commitment to our school and this event.

Mardi Gras 2023: In anticipation for those big Black Friday Sales, the Mardi Gras Committee has put out an Amazon wish list for auction basket ideas. This list will be updated continually through the Mardi Gras season as we prepare for the event, so keep checking back.

Ideally, every school family will participate in some way for our Mardi Gras auction, whether that be an item donation for the baskets, a donation you've crafted in your home, or having your personal business be a part of the auction. There is a donation form in the family envelope this week for you to participate or share with family & friends that could help support our school. Be creative, no idea is too small or eccentric. Raffle tickets, event flyers, and more will be coming soon, please watch for these in future weeks.

Thank you for the support of the St. Victor School Student Council’s Food Collection for the Green County Food Pantry. Please make sure all items are dropped off to school by Friday, Nov. 18.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at school: (608)325-3395 or email( Thank you so much for your continued support of our school.

God Bless,

Joe Peters


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