Dear Parents and Guardians:
A reminder as spring arrives please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for school. We try to promote a sense of modesty in our clothing choices, this includes shorts not being “too short” or overly tight. Thank you in advance for supporting this.
Congratulations to the following students who were winners for the Monroe Women’s Club Writing contest:
Poetry Kindergarten-2nd Grade: Poetry-6th-8th Grade
1st Place-Gabriel Wilson 1st Place-Elizabeth Veeder
2nd Place-Ryln Boone 3rd Place-Evelyn Eckdhal
3rd Place-Avery Mansfield
Honorable Mention: Michael Skelding
Short Story Kindergarten-2nd Grade: Short Story 3rd-5th Grade:
1st Place-Savannah Roesch 1st Place-Violet Eckdhal
2nd Place-Finnian Coplien 2nd Place-Pearl Hillary
3rd Place-Kai Boehme Honorable Mention: Madelyn Stietz
Honorable Mention: Liliana Gobeli
Short Story 6th-8th Grade:
1st Place-Elena Boss
Sunday, May 14: We again have been asked to sing, greet and do the readings for the 10:00 am mass on this Sunday, May 14 (Mother’s Day). This is a great chance for us to show off our amazing school to the rest of our parish community. It is also a great time to celebrate Mother’s Day by being in church. I hope you are able to join us for this mass!
Monday, May 15: This will be our designated Spring Planting Day. This is such a wonderful and fun event for our school community. More information is in today’s family envelope, but I would encourage older clothing and gardening tools for this day!
Spring Concert: Our plan is again to do our Spring Concert on Wednesday, May 24 at 6:30 pm at the Twinning Park Band Shell. Please plan to bring your chairs and enjoy a night of beautiful music.
June 10 Liturgy: Please plan to join us for mass on Saturday, June 10. This will be a going away for Fr. T., he does not know that the students will be reading and singing, so let’s make it a great celebration for him. Following mass the Knights of Columbus will be having a meal to honor Fr. T. (your family does not need to be at the meal, but would be great for you to be at mass).
Thank you so much for your support of St. Victor School. We are truly grateful for all you do to support our school and parish. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at school, (608)325-3395 or email (
God Bless,
Joe Peters