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  • Writer's pictureMr. Joseph Peters, Principal

March 24, 2021

Dear Parents and Guardians:

It is hard to believe that Spring Break is almost here! It has been a very busy couple of months and I wish your family a restful time away from school. Please be safe and smart and continue to follow protocols to keep people safe during this time of COVID. We appreciate your support in keeping students home who are not feeling well and getting them tested if they have symptoms. I look forward to a great “final push” when we return after spring break!

Tuition Contracts: In today’s family envelope is the tuition contract for the 2021-22 school year. Please take some time to look it over and return to school by Friday, April 9. There are up to three parts that you have to return back (the contract, the addendum, and for those who it applies to the scholarship/grant form). A reminder that tuition covers only about 42% of the actual cost to educate your child, St. Clare of Assisi Parish makes up the other 58%. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Spring Break/Holy Week: There will be no school next week, March 29-April 2. It is also Holy Week, there will be plenty of opportunities for your family to experience and grow in their faith during this time. The schedule is as follows:

Holy Thursday, April 1 Liturgy@ 6:30 pm

Good Friday, April 2 Service@ Noon

Easter Vigil, April 3 Liturgy@ 8:00 pm

Easter Sunday, April 4 Liturgy @ 6:30/8:00/10:00*

Due to limited seating restrictions we are asking people to sign up for mass the link to do so is:

Spring Break Quarantine: As spring break approaches, we will be following the guidelines of the School District of Monroe regarding traveling. If your family is traveling internationally for spring break, you are asked to quarantine for two weeks upon return. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at school.

April 5 and 6: Due to COVID vaccine side effects we will be in person on April 5 and virtual on April 6. Thank you so much for your understanding, and please plan wisely for those days.

Summer School: You should have received an email from me earlier this week with information on Monroe’s Summer School. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Summer School Office 328-7400. A reminder that registration begins on Tuesday, April 6 at 9:00 am.

Final Fish Fry: Thanks for those who have supported our two previous fish frys. We have been breaking records each time! The final one will be on Friday, April 9 (note this is a change from the original schedule). The time will again be from 4:30-7:00 pm, drive thru only! If you would like to help out, please contact Jenni at school!

Thanks so much for your continued support of our school, staff and mission! If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call me at school, (608)325-3395 or email me at (

God Bless and have a great Spring Break and Holy Week!

Joe Peters


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