Dear Parents and Guardians:
I am not sure how we got here, but congratulations on finishing another challenging but wonderful school year. I appreciate your support of St. Victor School and St. Clare of Assisi Parish. We hope and pray that your summer will be filled with great rest, tons of fun, and wonderful memories.
Report Cards: Please return the signed brown envelope, but keep the report cards home for your reference. Please also return the family envelope tomorrow, so we can reuse them for next year. If you have any questions about your child’s grades, please contact their teacher directly.
Fundraising Update: We will no longer need volunteers for the Green County Fair this summer. The Knights of Columbus no longer need our help during this time. We would still be looking to fill our 22-23 school year with one more fundraiser (with a goal of $3,000-$10,000). Home and School will be deciding what this fundraiser will be in the fall. Again you still will remain committed to your “day of” Brunch with Santa and Mardi Gras.
Summer Hours: The school office will be open until noon (Monday through Thursday) each day during the month of June. Please call or email prior to stopping by just to make sure someone is here.
Vacation Bible School: If you are interested you can register through Miss Betsy at the parish center ( The dates are June 21-24. 1:00-4:00 PM.
Calendar for 2022-23: In this mailing is a very tentative schedule for many of the activities for next school year. Please realize that this is tentative but does give you a snapshot of some of the great things that will be happening next year.
Yearbook: Thank you to Ms. Baljo and our 5th graders for this year’s yearbook. They did a great job taking pictures and putting it all together. Congratulations to Elizabeth Veeder for her winning cover!
School Day for 2022-23: A reminder that we will continue the same schedule for school for the 2022-23 school year. School will start at 8:00 am, and release is at 3:10. Friday we will continue to release at 1:10 pm. This year we had a total of 575 unexcused tardies for our school. As we look toward the start of the next school year with the time of the school day remaining the same, please realize it is important for students to get to school on time, and that it is a great habit to teach them. There is a committee working on school policies this summer and our unexcused tardy policy will be updated. More information will be coming in our August mailing.
Thank you so much for your commitment and dedication to St. Victor School and St. Clare of Assisi Parish. I am sure you have many fun activities, vacations and plans for the summer, one place I would encourage you to visit is church. Our parish community does so much to keep our school operating, your presence at the mass on the weekends shows this larger community how much you appreciate the ability to attend our Catholic school.
Please have a wonderful summer, be safe and enjoy the time away from school.
God Bless,
Joe Peters