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  • Writer's pictureMr. Joseph Peters, Principal

January 25, 2023

Dear Parents and Guardians:

I would ask for your prayers for Mrs. Waski and her family. Mrs. Waski’s dad, Ron Lewke passed away last week. Please keep the entire family in your prayers during this time.

Catholic Schools Week 2023: We are looking forward to a great week ahead! The special week kicks off with students reading and singing at the 4:30 pm parish mass on Saturday, Jan. 28(we hope your family can join us). Followed by the dance at 5:30 pm. A reminder to please RSVP for the dance, for those of you who did not send money in with the RSVP we will have that list at the door. The rest of the week’s fun schedule is located in today’s envelope. We are so happy to be able to celebrate our Catholic School! On Friday, Feb. 3 we will be having pizza (it is a special menu just for St. Victor School students).

4K Intent Forms: Even if your plan is not to return back to St. Victor School for Kindergarten if our 4K families could please return their intent forms it would be appreciated. They are due by Monday, Jan. 30.

Mardi Gras: Please sell those raffle tickets. We want to work toward our school goals. Also the link to sign up to work the event (which is a mandatory event for many of our families) is located here: A reminder for this event to be successful we all need to work together (Better Together)! Thanks in advance for fulfilling your obligation to your school and our children. Finally, if you would like to attend the event, ticket information was sent home. Please join us for a great night of fun supporting our school and your children. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school.

Parent Teacher Sign Up: The following links are for you to sign up for PT Conferences:

Book Fair 2023: The Scholastic Book Fair will be held from Tuesday, Feb. 7 through Monday, Feb. 13. It will be open during Parent Teacher Conferences and most days after school. More details and information will be coming soon!

Congratulations to the following winners of the Knights of Columbus Poster Contest:

1st Grade: Rania Acosta

2nd Grade: Brooklyn Derendinger

3rd Grade: Emily Kruse

4th Grade: Alexis Speer

Their posters will now move on to the state level.

Thanks so much for all you do for our school and community. We look forward to a great Catholic Schools Week, it’s such a great time to celebrate our wonderful school! If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at school.

God Bless,

Joe Peters


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