Dear Parents and Guardians:
I apologize in advance for the length of this email. There is a lot of information in it, so please read it carefully.
4K registration: Registration for 4K for the 2021-22 school year has begun. They are doing a virtual registration process this year. You can go to their website to register. Next year 4K will take place Monday through Thursday from either 8:10-11:10 or 12:10-3:10. We will be hosting a “parent only” Open House on Wednesday, February 3 for new families to our school. If you have friends that may be interested in our 4K program or our school in general I would ask that they call in to schedule a time for this open house visit. I have attached the flier from the School District with specific registration information. Registration is on a first come first serve basis. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school.
Parent Teacher Conferences: For the spring conferences we will be doing ZOOM conferences. I am providing links for each grade level(K-5th) for you to sign up. We are using the afternoon of our Monday Feb. 8 inservice day, and Thursday, Feb. 11 after school. You need to sign up each child individually and there are separate links to each of the different grade levels. You will need to make sure that you have zoom installed on your devices (laptop, chromebook, or phone) for you to be able to participate. Each conference(K-5th) is scheduled for 10 minutes, with a 5 minute “just in case” tech issues occur. Thank you in advance for signing up for these. The teachers will send the zoom link closer to the conference date.
Kindergarten conferences:
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding Conference Scheduling (this format is new for us, we appreciate your patience and understanding.)
Computer: A family has come forward with the following computer: “Dell Acer desktop computer (windows 7). It is wiped back to factory settings. It works great. Does need a speaker.” If you are interested in this please give school a call.
Mardi Gras Madness, March 13: We are so excited as we continue to work on this event! One key element is the selling of the raffle tickets. Each family was given 5 to sell, and due to COVID we are not able to sell at Pick N Save on the weekend (which was about 100 tickets sold). So we are going to do some “levels of participation” to encourage families to sell tickets……
If we sell 200 tickets: one lucky student will get to put a pie in Mr. Peters’ face (live streamed for all to see of course). That breaks down to 2 tickets per student.
If we sell 400 tickets: there will be a vote to determine whether or not Mr. Peters will shave his head, or dye his hair(blue of course), or maybe even a hybrid of shaved and colored. This breaks down to four tickets per student.
If we sell 600 tickets: one lucky student will be chosen to be “Principal for the Day”. They will lead the school in announcements over the PA, choose recess superstars, as well as provide a special treat for all students (which may include extra outdoor time if the “principal” chooses). This breaks down to 6 tickets per student.
PLEASE I encourage you to reach out to your extended family and friends to make selling these raffle tickets a success for our school and community. The prizes for the raffle are: 1st $1,000, 2nd $500, 3rd $250. So the return is great for the winners.
Thank you so much for your continued support of St. Victor School. I encourage you to still wear your mask, wash your hands and practice social distancing! If you do have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at school!
God Bless,
Joe Peters