Dear Parents and Guardians:
Thank you so much for your continued support of our school. It is so great to be back to in person learning. Please continue to be vigilant in keeping your child safe and healthy. If your child is feeling symptomatic please keep them home from school. Working together we can keep going with in person learning!
Parish Mission: We will again be having a parish mission during the season of Lent. We will welcome Dr. John-Mark Miravalle to our parish. He will be doing three night sessions for adults. Sunday Feb. 28-Monday, March 1 and Tuesday, March 2 at 6:30 pm. Childcare will be provided, please rsvp to to reserve your spot for childcare. We hope you will join us one or all three nights!
Mardi Gras Madness: The event is quickly approaching. We are looking forward to a fun night which will help raise funds for our school. A couple of things you can do to get ready for the night: Order your party pack at our store site: …..sign up to help with the event…... …….Make a donation of any necessary items for the raffle…..sell your raffle tickets!! There are lots of ways for you to support this event.
Soles 4 Soul: We will be participating in a program called soles4souls during the season of Lent. There is an information sheet attached. We are collecting new or gently used shoes, you can drop them off at St. Victor School. We will be working with the Women’s Club of Monroe with this project.
St. Victor Times: Attached to this email is a copy of our 4th graders newspaper for the Winter months. St. Victor Times was created by our 4th grade during Technology class. Please enjoy your copy!
Mrs. Cooper on Channel 3: On Monday, March 1 the Channel 3 morning show will run a segment which includes our very own Mrs. Cooper and her amazing ability to create snow sculptures! The program is on from 5:00-7:00 am (so you may want to set your DVR). We are so blessed to have Mrs. Cooper in our school working with our students!
Thank you so much for all that you do to support our school and parish community. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at school, (608)325-3395 or email,
God Bless,
Joe Peters