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  • Writer's pictureMr. Joseph Peters, Principal

December 16, 2020

Dear Parents and Guardians of St. Victor School Students:

What a great Evening Lights with Santa event! So much positive feedback from the community about our event. It was a well needed break from our current situations. Again, thank you all for your support of this event.

As we move towards the Christmas vacation, I would like to thank you all for your commitment in keeping our students and staff safe during this time. We continue to be able to work face-to-face with students due to your careful behavior and commitment to safety. A reminder that if anyone in your family is waiting for COVID test results or has symptoms you should be keeping your children home from school until the negative results are in.

Mardi Gras: It is hard to believe that our Mardi Gras fundraiser is just around the corner! The decision has been made to move our virtual Mardi Gras fundraiser to Saturday, March 13. We will be having a family friendly virtual party this year as we do “Mardi Gras Madness”(our take on the NCAA Game Day). More details about this exciting event will be coming. Per your tuition contract we are asking you to again sell raffle tickets. The goal in sending these raffle tickets home is to offer you a chance to sell to family members you may see over the Christmas break. We had a great turnout and support of our Evening Lights with Santa raffle tickets, and I hope we can have the same great participation with this one.

Christmas Mass Times: You need to sign up online to attend mass this year for Christmas ( The 4:00 and 6:00 pm masses are full, but you can always join your parish via live streaming. There is a small card in today’s envelope inviting you to join us.

Tuition Statements: There is a statement regarding your tuition payments for the 2020-21 school year. Please review carefully and if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Marci at the Parish Center (608)325-9506.

Snow Days: We will work with the School District of Monroe as well as Lamers Bus services if/when there needs to be school called off due to inclement weather. For now, a snow day will still be considered a traditional snow day. There will be no expectations for online learning from teachers (unless we get a string of several snow days back to back to back). We hope that a snow day will allow students a chance to recharge and enjoy some time away from school. Emails and text messages will be sent to families to notify them of a snow day. Our number one concern will always be the safety of both students and staff. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact me at school.

School Calendar: A reminder that we will begin Christmas break after classes on Tuesday, Dec. 22(NO SCHOOL ON WEDNESDAY, DEC. 23), this is a change from the original school calendar. Please enjoy the added day of vacation! We will return to school on Monday, Jan. 4!

On behalf of the entire faculty and staff of St. Victor School, we hope and pray that you have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Please know how much we appreciate all that you do to support our school and its mission. We are blessed to be able to teach such wonderful students and dedicated families. Please stay safe and healthy during the Christmas break!

God Bless,

Joe Peters

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