Dear Parents and Guardians:
Thank you so much for the wonderful support of Evening Lights with Santa. It was such a great team effort for this event. I would like to thank Tasha Meier, Andrea Speer, Jill Swenson, Val Coplien, Tia Long, and Michelle Steinman for their work on the committee. Congratulations to our raffle winners: Rhonda Sweson ($250 SCRIP card), Eckdhal Family (American Girl Doll), and Hector Larraga (Legos).
A reminder if your child is not coming to school for any reason, please communicate with the office either via email ( or by calling (608)325-3395)
COVID: Again I am “begging” you, if ANYONE in your family is getting tested for COVID, PLEASE KEEP YOUR CHILDREN HOME until the test results are back. By keeping them home it will stop the spread in case that person being tested is positive. It also limits the exposure to children at school (and keeps our student quarantines down).
Winter Gear: I know this reminder comes on a day where we are experiencing record setting warmth, but please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather!(LABEL EVERYTHING IF POSSIBLE) When we get measurable snow, they will need boots and snow pants. They should also have hats and gloves. We will plan on being outside as long as the actual temperature and windchill are above 0 degrees. Christmas break may be a good time to make sure you have all the clothing that your child needs for winter.
Move it Forward Toy Drive: A reminder we are participating with Monroe High School Move it Forward Toy Drive for Family Promise. Donations of new toys, cash or gift cards will be accepted through next Tuesday.
Christmas Concert: Concert day is one week away! Due to the fact that we will be doing two concerts this year (1:00 and 6:30), it would be nice for the students to dress in “concert attire” for the day. We would ask again that all guests be wearing masks, and not to arrive before 12:30 or 6:00. I would ask that we leave the spots closest to the church for parking for our guests that may need to be closer to the church. A reminder to please encourage some of your family members to attend the 1:00 pm concert. Our 4K AM class is invited to come back to the afternoon performance; they can meet Mrs. Sabatke and the 4KPM class in the church by 12:40 pm. After the concert, 4K AM students will go home with their families. Both 4K groups are expected to be there by 6:10 that evening. If you have any questions about the concert, please feel free to contact us at school, 325-3395. A reminder that since the concert is in the church, please be aware and no hats, or eating or drinking in church.
Christmas Eve Liturgy: St. Victor School students have the wonderful opportunity to lead the singing at 4 p.m. Mass Christmas Eve at St. Victor Church. All students K-5 are invited to participate in this liturgy as song leaders. Singers in grades 3-4-5 are especially needed. Students are asked to arrive at church between 3 and 3:30 p.m., and parents will want to do the same to secure a seat for this well-attended Mass. This is a great way to represent our school to the parish community that gives so much to our children.
Hot Lunch Changes for Students in K-5th Grade: You should have received an email from me yesterday explaining our plan moving forward with our hot lunch program. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact me at school.
Again thank you for all you do to support our school and parish community. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at school, (608)325-3395 or email me at
God Bless,
Joe Peters
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