Dear Parents and Guardians:
Thank you to all who joined us for the Saturday 4:30 liturgy and the drive in movie that followed. Thanks to Stephanie Derendinger and Heather Watson for their planning of the event. We had a great turnout of students, parents and homemade cars! Congratulations to the following students for their winning cars:
1st Place: Lilianna and Jaxon Gobeli
2nd Place: Connor Baumgartner
3rd Place: Lincoln Bailey
Honorable Mention: Emily Boss
Living Stations of the Cross: Our Fourth Graders have been working hard to prepare this wonderful prayerful experience for you. They will be presenting on Wednesday, April 13 at 2:00 and 6:00 pm in the school gym. All are welcome to attend.
Tuition Contracts: Please make sure your tuition contracts are turned in by this Friday, April 8. If you are planning to not return to St. Victor School (and were sent home a contract) would you please let us know your intentions, as we continue to plan for the 22-23 school year.
Holy Week: This Sunday is Palm Sunday and will begin our celebration of Holy Week. Here is the schedule for liturgies and services for our St. Clare of Assisi Parish:
Wednesday, April 13 Living Stations of the Cross 2:00/6:00 pm St. Victor School Gym
Thursday, April 14 Holy Thursday Liturgy 7:00 pm St. Victor Church
Friday, April 15 Good Friday Service 3:00 pm, Fish Fry 4:30-7:00pm
Saturday, April 16 Easter Vigil Liturgy 8:00 pm
Sunday, April 17 Easter Sunday 8:00 and 10:00 am liturgy
Vacation Bible School: Miss Betsy again will be planning a VBS(Vacation Bible School) from June 21-24 from 1:00-4:00 pm each day for students entering Kindergarten through going into 5th grade. More details to follow, but please plan on joining her for a week filled with great fun, crafts, music and faith!
Home and School News: As we move toward the end of the school year, we will be looking for volunteers to fill some open Home and School Board positions. These positions are the following: Secretary (2 year term) Hospitality (2 year term)-in charge of the planning of Grandparents Day Treats, Teacher Meals for Conferences, and Teacher Appreciation Week(you will have help in planning those), Vice President (1st year as VP, second year as President). The first year as VP you watch and learn, as president you work with the principal to create agendas and run meetings. Home and School meet one time a month for about an hour. We look forward to welcoming new folks so if you are interested please let me know.
Our Home and School General Meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 26 at 6:00 pm in the gym. This is an IMPORTANT meeting for each of our families to attend. This is an adult only meeting and we will have important topics on our agenda: School Expansion, Dueling Piano Event update, Future Fundraising, Updates on projects around school, Social opportunities in the future, plans for the 2022-23 school year (CHEESE DAYS), as well as election of new officers. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE plan on attending that evening. More information will be in next week’s family envelope.
Severe Weather Week: This week is severe weather awareness week. We will have a tornado drill tomorrow, Thursday, April 7 at 1:45 pm (as long as there is not severe weather in the area). It is a good time to review with your children your plan for severe weather at your own home.
Dueling Pianos: Please mark your calendars for Friday, May 20! This will be our rescheduled Dueling Piano event! This event will take place right here at St. Victor School, your $20 ticket will include food, fun and games, 2 drinks, and some amazing dueling piano entertainment! Please plan on gathering some friends and joining us for this event! More details will be coming soon!
Thank you so much for your continued support of St. Victor School. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to call me at school, (608)325-3395 or email me at
God Bless,
Joe Peters